Fit Into The Party: Pah-fect Grilling

  • on June 27, 2013
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JP - Cuisinistas Fitness GuruGood day Cuisinistas.

JP back in action to serve up some nutritional goodness for ya.  Ahh my personal favorite time of year…  Yes, BBQ “season.”  Well, I guess there’s no such thing as a BBQ season as one could break out the grill at any time of the year, and I certainly encourage this.  Grilling is certainly one of the more healthy ways one can cook their meats, veggies, fish, etc.   But, let’s be real here; if you’d associate an appropriate time of year to delegate as BBQ season, it’s summer!  The Red, White and Brew is coming on us quick, so I better hurry and feed you a few tips to consider as you light up them grills.


First, cook with gas, rather than charcoal.  Why, you cry!!?  I know I know, the flavor that charcoal can create is almost unmatched, but you should be considering a little something called a PAH.  PAH’s are known as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and they are found to be mutagenic.  Stay with me for a second…  They can cause changes in DNA that can be cancerous!  Yes, cancerous.  When your meat drips onto hot coals it creates the chemical PAH which then “smokes” onto your grilling foods.

Heed this warning as well:  Grilling your meats at extremely high temperatures, or for extended periods of time, can also create this PAH guy.  So even that gas grill can be dangerous.  Solution: cook your meat at a lower temp and don’t leave it on there forever, and enjoy it the way I like it; a little more on the rare side!

More to come!



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